Monday, September 06, 2010

Entropic wisdom

It started innocently enough. A friend posted a note on Facebook about getting the season's firewood stacked. A few of her other friends commented, including a question about how much firewood would a typical household need.
I started to reply.

Before long, I realized that I might not be able to stop writing everything I know, thought I knew, wished I knew, think that I might know later this winter about heating a house with wood.
Among the microverse of people we know, there are three groups:
  1. Friends and loved ones who will listen to you expound on a topic because they like or love you very much.
  2. People who will listen to you for a while because they think they might learn something.
  3. People who wish you'd shut up already because no matter how righteous your wisdom might be, they can't stand to hear another word about it.
The rate at which people move from Group 1 to Group 2 and from Group 2 to Group 3 is known as the entropy rate. There's some complex math related to all of it, but I probably shouldn't get into that right now.
Anyway, it was chilly this morning and we needed a fire in the stove.


eba said...

oh dear! definitely in camps 1 & 2, a long way from camp 3, just fyi and fya. i kinda wish you had continued the post now!
(on another topic entirely, it's amazing how recognizable that FB icon is, even when incredibly blurred).
btw, given some upcoming changes, I'm curious about how much wood we'll actually use this winter. fortunately, our wood guy says he'll have more to sell later in the season, just in case.

Pink Granite said...


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