Monday, August 02, 2010

Hurricane preparedness

New Englanders will go through an elaborate drill this evening to make sure that our emergency weather nerds are at the ready,
The purpose of the simulation?
To exercise communication networks during the response phase of a severe storm scenario in the face of significant infrastructure damage to landline and cellular telephone, and loss of commercial power. EMA’s should strive to report damage assessments to state and federal authorities before and simultaneously with resource requests. EMA Managers are also encouraged to practice simulated recovery operations at their discretion as a training opportunity.

Meanwhile, the folks in Florida, where hurricanes hit often, know that the most important thing to do is to close the bars.
Of course, Floridians don't accept the idea that you should ride out the storm without booze:
"You're going to watch your kids there [at home] with no air-conditioning as your food's rotting, and you're really not going to drink?" [one bartender] asked. "There would be a revolt."

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