Thursday, April 08, 2010

What the noises of the night are telling us

Last week, Sandra's cousin posted a note about the peepers in Virginia.
New sound today: frogs. About a month back, there were Spring Peepers.  I missed them this year because of the foul weather and blocked trail when they were singing.
Several weeks later in the season, the singers in the same swamp are different frogs.  They don’t “peep” as much as bellow.  They proclaim the coming of a warmer season, very assertively.  And it’s easier to have real faith on an 80° afternoon.

Our peepers showed up last week as the result of the warm late winter/early spring and the rains that churned the waters' edges. During the last couple of nights, I've heard crickety kinds of things. (Friend Dr. Loree might appreciate my use of the scientific terms here.) It would be wonderful if the frogs made a strong return. I remember that great sound on warm evenings. The last couple of decades, however, haven't been kind to frogs in northeast, an indicator that the waters aren't as pure as they used to be and need to be.
My concern is that this might presage a hot summer. My tribe has the tradition of responding to heat by jumping into water that's as much as 100°C colder. As you might expect, our responses to excessive heat aren't always the brightest.
Even the farmers are suspecting that we're going to have a warm spring that will lead to early crops.  Today's Telegram has a front page story, Growing concern, about the apple growers who are as much as a month ahead of their usual schedule. The farmers are now waiting for the bees to do their business, bees that Dr. Loree has discussed in her book, The Hive Detectives: Chronicle of a Honey Bee Catastrophe.
So, the night sounds and silences are trying to tell us something. As with most stuff, we'll  figure it out some time after we need to have figured it out.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I heard the first peepers yesterday, while Lily and I were riding along a swamp. We are looking forward to hearing them at home. I also remember hearing the bullfrogs at Queen Lake when I was young. Their noise overwhelmed all other night noises, and my imagination. Their absence in the last several years has been noticable. I wondered if the chemicals used to kill the weeds along the shore also killed them. Or if the absence of weeds made them starve.

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