Friday, March 19, 2010

Still no cures for cancer or diabetes, but ...

Some generations of Americans will be known as the Greatest Generation or the soldiers who won The War to End All Wars. We've conquered polio, put men on the moon, given sight to the blind, liberated peoples from slavery, starvation, and disease.
This generation faces new challenges and is not afraid. So, while 200,000 people die in Haiti and millions live unprotected against the elements, while the nation is fighting in two wars and trying to prevent more, while hunger and fear keep our children awake at night, the folks at Kimberly-Clark rise to the challenges. They do what all courageous people do:
They took a poll.
Screenshot to spare you the Flash-laden Roll Poll site

America, you want your toilet paper to roll from the top. As reward for your civic responsiveness, Kimberly-Clark will give you coupons on Cottonelle bathroom tissue.
And what's with the puppies?

BTW, it's obvious that these folks have no idea how much cats prefer paper that's rolled over the top:

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