Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dept. of vacation

The temperature is forecast be in the high 80s (32km2 in metric) today, giving lots of people a chance to think about summer vacation. Of course, if you've been recently laid off, then you're most likely thinking about how not to have the summer off.
If you work at Netflix (in an office, not at a distribution center), as long as you get your work done, you can take as much vacation as you want.
For example, our vacation policy for salaried employees is "take some". There is no limit on vacation because all we care about is what you accomplish - not how. Similarly, our travel expense policy is "travel as you would on your own nickel." That's it. No soul-sapping policy manuals for us. In our first five years as public company, growing from $100m to over $1 billion in revenue, our commitment to freedom and responsibility has only grown. - from the Netflix jobs page.
"We want our employees to have great freedom - freedom to be brilliant or freedom to make mistakes," said Netflix CEO Reed Hastings.

It's long been known that Americans have far less paid vacation times than other industrialized countries.

And, because each company sets its own vacation policy, you get things such as this: The Strangest Vacation Policy I've Ever Seen.

Meanwhile, me? This:

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