Monday, March 09, 2009

Winter's reprise

The forecasters are calling for a shimmering glop of rain, sleet, and snow. It's another of those elevation-dependent storms, so a couple hundred feet can make the difference between wet and white.
It's a good day for staying in. I do have an appointment this afternoon that'll take me into Med City, aka Worcester Medical Center, aka St. Vincent Hospital, but I'm expecting the roads to be just wet.
On the balmy days of the weekend, we cut up and gathered some of the larger pieces of wood left over from the ice storm. The wood is still quite green and burns without enthusiasm in the stove.
We have, however, found some help for the fires. It's time, we decided, to take a look at some of the boxes that have found their way into the attic. Several years ago, we instituted a rule tht nothing goes in unless something comes out, but there was a lot of stuff up there that predated the rule.
Yesterday, I brought down five boxes. One was filled with university catalogs from 1992, when I'd toyed with the idea of restarting a graduate program. Two of the boxes contained receipts, canceled checks, and bank statements dating back to 1974. As interesting as it was to flip through the check registers and see how we'd squandered spent our money, we don't really need to keep checks paid to the Hudson IGA, Greater Media cable, New England Telephone (when Holden's area code was still 617), or the Evening Telegram.
The thread of bank mergers was kind of fun to follow. In no particular order, we had accounts with Worcester County National Bank, Worcester County Institute for Savings, Shawmut Worcester County Bank, BankBoston, and Fleet, all of which, IIRC, became Bank of America.
Back then, Social Security numbers were printed on every page of every statement. We don't have a shredder, except for what the mice in the attic have done, so burning is the safest way to dispose of this stuff. A nice bit of synchronicity - green wood kept ablaze by receipts from Benson's, Caldor, and The Fair.
As I write, the rain has changed to snow.

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