Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Quotes without a home

As I was reading a critique of President Obama's economic policies, I was intrigued by this quote, attributed to Karl Marx in Das Kapital from 1867:
"Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to Communism."
The quote is interesting on a couple of levels. First of all, it seems to describe our current situation pretty accurately. Of course, the analysts go on to blame the president for this condition when Marx is presciently describing the result of the failed policies and practices of capitalists. Cheap credit and an over-stimulated housing market has led to many people becoming prisoners of debt and, in turn, crippled banks and other corporations.
Whether we wind up in Communism or not (or whether we're there now or not) is a point of discussion for another day. I've been most intrigued by the quote because I can't find a source for it.
A Google search of any of the phrases in this quote will turn up lots of citations of this quote, but none of them, as best as I've been able to tell, are in Das Kapital. The best source for an English translation of Capital seems to come from the folks at marxists.org. There I could find no occurence of this quote. Marx and his fellow travelers said a lot of things about technology, credit, and debt, and the spirit of this quote isn't too far from what Marx would have said. Nevertheless, the quote doesn't appear in the book.
As an additional bit of info, I translated the quote into German , using Google Translate, and then tried to find even a few strings, such as "Häuser und Technologie" (houses and technology), in the original German text. Again, no joy.
Quotes are illustrative, helping us put big ideas into packages that we can fit into our pockets. Let's first, however, make sure that what's being quoted was actually said or written.

[Update 4/21/09]
The good folks at snopes.com published similar research on this quote and confirmed what I'd suspected, that Marx didn't write this in Das Kapital or anywhere else.
Given historical realities, if these lines about consumer debt were indeed written by Marx, it was more likely to have been Groucho than Karl.

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