Thursday, February 19, 2009


Along with the No One Cares What You Had for Lunch principle, delightfully flipped on its ear by friend Liz, is the principle that No One Cares Why You Blog (NOCWYB). Self-referential writing is, for the most part, rarely as interesting to the reader as it is to the writer.

So, now that we have that out of the way, let's talk a bit about blogging. The other day, Jeff over at Wormtown Taxi posted a note that commented on another writer's lament that blogging isn't the quick path to riches and fame. Of course it's not.

The percentage of people who make a living at anything creative, and I consider blogging to be more creative than entrepreneurial (mostly because it's easier to spell), is darned small. If anything, this blogging is more like graffiti tagging, except that our walls are in nerd space, not on walls, trains, or highway underpasses. We get to write what we think is important, in the hope that someone else might think the same, and we don't have to hide our empty cans of spray paint.

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