Friday, January 30, 2009

Food Police and Food Lawyers want to tell us what to do with our food.

In the UK, a government agency is going to be calling households to give them advice on what to do with their leftovers.
In a trial in six local authorities across Herefordshire and Worcestershire, the officials have been recruited on full-time contracts to visit an estimated 24,500 homes dispensing dietary advice and tips on how best to reduce the estimated one-third of all food bought which is thrown away.
Meanwhile, back in the U.S. of A., and with deference to my vegetarian friends, (who have enough else to think about, anyway), you can't get a burger cooked rare at Chili's restaurants. The corporate lawyers have deemed it too great a risk to serve under-coooked meats. In small, but unwavering print, their menu says:
We grill our burgers medium, medium-well or well done.
Also, you don't just get a bottle of, um, bottled water. You get Dasani® Purified Water with Minerals, lest we forget that the stuff in the pretty bottle comes from the local tap.

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