Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bring on those PEI potatoes

The report on the PEi potato crop brings tears to one's eyes, although not in a good way.
There’s a smell of rotting potatoes hovering around eastern P.E.I. these days, but despite a season that even drowned the wireworms, potato prices are on fire.
Wait, there's more.
Eastern growers are spending these days washing the muck off potato piles that are starting to turn to salvage what they can.
So, the crop is small (and rotting), but, because the prices are very high, it's a good year, which could turn bad because farmers may plant more potatoes next year, in case that the price is high, but that might drive the prices down. Meanwhile, Bruce Huffaker of the North American Potato Market News warned  "at least one quick service restaurant in the U.S. is worried about a supply shortage and has developed a French fry rival. 'It’s a macaroni cheese stick and the kids like it,’' he said."

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