Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours

One of our neighbors, a retired engineer, says that he dreams of work every night. That's not been m case, but I do dream of work often. This night, it was the variant on the forgetting-to-study-for-an-exam college classic. I had, in the dream, taken the notes for a previous meeting and couldn' find the notes. So, while I'm back in my office, trying to get my laptop going, my office mate has left his pre-school daughter there for the day. The floor is covered in popcorn and there was something about a cat. (Last evening, I'd watched a piece of Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives where they mentioned Schrödinger's cat.) In the end, I was racing back to the conference room to connect my laptop to the projector so that all could see the notes. I woke exhausted, as though I'd worked a hard day.

Re the title, Bob Dylan said that.

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