Sunday, January 06, 2008

Let's defeat the terrorists and go shopping

Since I'm no longer working, I thought it would be a good idea to look through the coupons in the Sunday paper to see if we might be able to save a few bucks on our groceries. And, after doing so, I hoped that I could write a wry and witty commentary about the state of America's retail marketing lunacy. I found myself unable to meet the challenge of an ad for Palmolive Scrub BusterTM dish-washing liquid.
The ad in the newspaper points to a web site where I can find out how Doris Roberts (Raymond's mother on Everybody Loves Raymond) uses Palmolive products in her kitchen. Not only that, but you can have Doris call a (soon-to-be former) friend with house-keeping tips.

The other coupon inserts included gems such as the ubiquitous Smucker's Uncrustables (pre-made sandwiches without crusts) and $3.00 off of alarm clocks, headphones, and TV remote control handsets from our local pharmacy. Oh, and the hour-glass yogurt containers to make you think that you'll get thin if you eat their yogurt. And lots of different types of scented candles and air fresheners that you'll need after eating all of those high-fiber granola bars.

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