Saturday, December 22, 2007

Business language that I missed

MSNBC is reporting the Best business buzzwords of 2007. I guess I have to believe them when they report that people are talking like that in the offices and in emails. I still read the Wall Street Journal, several business blogs, and Dilbert, but managed to miss these slushballs.

Every business has its jargon and the computer industry is probably the worst of 'em all. Nevertheless, the principle of creepy language seems to have taken hold in business in general. You don't call someone to invite them to join a project; you "reach out to them," as though you are scooping drunks and bringing them to the local mission. You don't take responsibility; you "step up," as though you're Casey at the bat. These words and phrases inject the appearance of value and strength, not unlike the way that broth is injected into a turkey to make it less dry and lifeless.

The AP asked the presidential candidates what they would most like to have if they were stranded on a desert island. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-BrickWall-Colorado) responded, "Boat."

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