Monday, April 30, 2007

Just another kilokilometer

If you ever hear us say "Road Trip!" please make sure that someone hides our car keys.

Google maps reports that it's 702 miles (1129.76 kilometers) from our house to the MacGregors' house on PEI. Going there, we have the energy of anticipation. On the return home, particularly after such a quick turnaround, Tim Horton's provides the spark.

On Friday we had an early (3 PM), very nice dinner at Whim Inn at Poole's Corner. Sandra remembered that she saw Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip at Poole's Corner during their visit to Prince Edward Island. The food was filling and comforting, just the stuff that weary travelers would enjoy. The restaurant is open year-round, but rooms won't be available for rent for another three weeks. Woody asked if the inn was for sale; the waitress said that it's always for sale.

Lobster season starts tomorrow (May 1st) on the east end of the island and run through the end of June. Traps are stacked high at the Cardigan harbor. Sandra will return in late May for the Cardigan lobster supper.

Leaving for home, we drove through a heavy rain until we were off the island. It was mostly cloudy, with alternating showers and breaks in the overcast. My favourite diner is Carman's in St. Stephen NB. This visit was disappointing. The breakfast food was good, but the service was lousy. We were there for more than an hour when we should have been in and out in 25 minutes. There are plenty of other good places on either side of the border, so it'll be a long before we return to Carman's.

I had a copy of Tom Friedman's latest book, The World is Flat, on my iPod. It's a compelling book, even if the style is kinda breathless. Every few hours we switched from the book to the radio news.

The house was in good order when we arrived home, spring in its full zest. The vitality is so compelling that we'll forgive the dandelion on the front lawn.

And so, it's back to what passes for normal. While I flipping through the old magazines in the hospital waiting room this morning, I learned that Meredith Vieira started her professional career at WORC in Worcester. I wonder if she still knows how to pronounce Worcester properly.

One of our favorite TV shows is Beat The Press, a review of media and journalism on Emily Rooney's Greater Boston. Because we were in PEI, we weren't able to watch the show at its appointed hour on Friday evening. I found a moderate successful workaround - downloading the video podcast and playing it on our laptop. I think that I have the plugs, cables, and pixie dust necessary to send the show from the laptop to our TV. The video worked OK, but I couldn't get the audio from the laptop to play through the TV's speakers. There's always one more gozinta, isn't there.

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