Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Partly cloudy with a slight chance of being sensible

One has modest expectations for a day when the National Weather Service includes something such as this in its forecast discussion: "Not expecting much in the way of sensible weather through the short term...."

When traveling, I become increasingly aware of the weight and bulk of each item that I carry. Where possible, I find smaller versions of most anything. The retractable network cable and the USB mini-mouse are the size of a package of Tic-Tacs. And, yet, there's still a lot of stuff in my pockets, in my briefcase, in my suitcase, on my belt. George Carlin has done a classic riff on our attachment to our stuff. An article in the Washington Post, discussed here, says that, and I'm oversimplifying here, we're carrying so much stuff because we'd rather deal with our stuff than with other people.

It's been so warm this winter ...
How warm is it?
It's been so warm that the Canada geese stayed in Canada.

Who says romance is dead? A guy in England eats a can of 50-year-old chicken to celebrate his 50th wedding anniversary. Note to Sandra - I'm sure that there's something old enough in the cupboard downstairs.

If your life is improved by receiving your vitamins through your underwear, you have more problems than not getting enough vitamins.

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