Tuesday, May 24, 2005

So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.

Springtime in New England can be cold and damp and dreary. Thank goodness it's so short.

We have a nice fire in the stove this morning. The weather forecast calls for a nor'easter with cold rain, strong winds, and coastal flooding.

A couple of quick Bob Dylan (article contains PG-13 language) notes on this, his birthday. In high school I brought a guitar to school and sang and played a few Dylan songs. "You even sound like him," said a classmate and I don't think she meant it in a good way. A few years later, my friend Ken and I were amazed at the transformation when Dylan released John Wesley Harding, his first album after the motorcycle accident. It was country music, but like no other. If I had to pick one album, it would be Blood on the Tracks, but just about every tune has a memory. I'm pretty sure that Mike Bloomfield was playing a Les Paul on Highway 61 Revisited, but he did also play a Telecaster during that time.

My father describes the guys he worked with as having size 20 necks and size 2 hats. We can't all be that strong, but we can fake it. Want to be able to do this? Here's how.

"Oh, you're being sarcastic," said Krista, sarcastically. Here's the science.

We watched The Apprentice, seasons two and three. I'm not quite sure why we were attracted to the show. Maybe it was just a good chance to yell at the TV every week. We picked Tana for this past season, but agreed that she really tanked in the final contest. Here's a bit of what happens on the Island of Unwanted Apprentices.

High school girls around the country, even those without dates, are grateful that they aren't going to the prom in Vermont.

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