Monday, December 27, 2004

This storm is having a much greater impact on the coastal areas, where some places can expect upwards of 18" of snow. We'll be lucky to get a third of that. Of course, the news of the earthquake and tsunamis remind us that our winter storms are an inconvenience, rarely bringing widespread devastation, misery, and death.

Not to say that these storms can't be dangerous. Yesterday we went out to pick up some groceries for my father and drove along the highway where a fatal auto accident that had taken place an hour and half before.

We were out shopping because my father's back was giving him lots of pain. The good news, I guess, is that there was a reason for the pain. He was out at the wood pile and slipped on a wet palette. The discomfort was enough that he took some of his pain medication. He didn't like the feeling of that stuff, though, and asked that we get him some Tylenol. He insisted, however, that he would be able to plow his driveway and handle the small amount of shoveling in front of the doors. I'll call him this morning and may stop there after work this evening.

Mike's made one pass with the snow plow already. Once the rest of the household is awake, I'll get the snowblower going.

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