Saturday, November 13, 2004

Rhinovirus 1, Hakkarainen 0.

As I decide to home from work or not, I have one more factor to consider these days - how much will this cost me? If I don't go to work, I don't get paid, which is the reality for most workers around the world. The folks who are living paycheck to paycheck have to worry about this a lot more (

So, yesterday I stayed home from work and spent the day in my red, flannel pajamas (you needed that image, right?) and mostly slept. It was a busy household. A visiting nurse came to see Sandra's mother. Sandra and her father prepared us for the snow, bringing in wood, getting the shovels and scrapers from the back shed. It's a bustling enterprise here on Fridays.

The snow was about as predicted, two to three inches of fluffy stuff. This morning I'll get the bird feeders filled up. The cardinals are stunning against the white landscape.

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