Saturday, October 09, 2004

Sandra's mother returned home early yesterday afternoon and is doing quite well. She's been able to navigate the house and back deck well. Sandra's sister and brother will come up from the Cape this weekend. There are still a few items to clarify with the doctors, but those things can wait until Tuesday. (It's Columbus Day weekend here, Thankgiving in Canada.)

These long weekends are good because they give us a chance to rest and restore ourselves. They can also be frustrating because there are things that we want and need to do that have to wait until we get back to the work week. And while we're waiting, the anxiety can build. There's a saying along the lines of accept the things I cannot change ....

As the Brits would call it, the weather today is dull, low clouds with a chance of showers or drizzle. We'll take a ride to see Adam, Jennie, and Lily today. We weren't able to attend her birthday party last week and missed having a chance to talk with them. Sandra and I will also enjoy the ride. The fall foliage is coming along nicely.

The second of the presidential debates took place last night. The rancor from both sides is wearying. I know who has my vote, but I wish both candidates would behave more like presidents and less like trash-talking basketball players.

Ah the sweetness of a Red Sox victory. They'll get a few days of needed rest before continuing their quest.

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