Thursday, September 30, 2004

It's been a long few days for Sandra and her father, and her mother, of course. There's lots to learn about hospital stays and medical treatment and all that. Sandra arrived at the hospital yesterday afternoon and found her mother quite uncomfortable, Sandra found a nurse and learned that, although the meds were prescribed for every three hours, Sandra's mother had to ask for them. The day shift nursing staff was quite disengaged while the evening shift has been terrific. We've had good coaching from daughter-in-law Jennie, a physician's assistant. There's lots to learn and just when you've figured something out, it's time to learn something new.

Yesterday was the birthday of Adam and Jennie's daughter, Lily. She's five.

With this new work schedule, I have time to read a newspaper in the morning. I get most of my news during the day from Internet news sites and then on the radio during my commute. The paper carries smaller stories that I might not otherwise see. Also, the comics are better.

I left work a bit early yesterday so that I could get home, let the dogs out, and then go to the hospital. I brought my laptop home so that I could check email and work on a few things. In my previous job, I'd bring my laptop home every night. Now, it's a couple of times a month.

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