Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The news of the week has been, of course, the Democratic National Convention in Boston. We watched a few hours of it last night. We tried several stations before settling on C-Span. We would have liked to have seen Bill Clinton's speech but, at 10:30, it was way past our bedtime for a work night. The Democrats have, so far, channeled their anger well and kept a fairly positive focus. It's going to be a very interesting campaign.

Today is Sandra's birthday. We'll go to Mike's for supper and cake. Adam is working at the DNC, so he'll meet Sandra for lunch with Jennie and Lily on Friday. Sandra and I don't exchange birthday, anniversary, or Christmas gifts, but we do have fun with cards.

I've felt off-kilter for a few days. The symptoms are hard to describe and don't make much sense. Each day shows a bit of improvement, however, so I remain encouraged that whatever this is will pass.

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