Sunday, September 21, 2008

1K of RoasterBoy

This is the 1024th post to this blog. In computer parlance, that's 1K or 210. As with most milestones, such as birthdays, New Year's, or, also today, the anniversary of the passing of my mother, it is, as friend used to say, a chance to look back down the hill.
My mother had the spirit of blogging decades before we had the web. It was the Hakkarainen Clipping Service, "No obligation to read, acknoledge, or return." She used the U.S. mail to send news and notes to friends all over. We were the only family I knew of who had a mimeograph machine for personal use. My mother used her letter-writing and clippings not only to advocate peace, but to practice it.
So, it's fitting that today is also International Day of Peace.

Rest in peace, TJL.

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