Thursday, August 30, 2012

It seems obvious that market research will...

It seems obvious that market research will let you make better use of your marketing funds. Survey respondents, however, generally didn't know about the major research firms that are reporting on digital signage.

Digital Draw - Karl Hakkarainen - Market Research Shows the Way

Better market research leads to increased use of digital media by bank customers.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mr. Hakkarainen goes to Helsinki

It's been a somewhat quiet summer in Finland, so we have just a couple of news items. Both are brought to us by way of Google Translate because neither story reached the English-speaking press.

Previously, Hakkarainen found himself with unwanted press and political attention for racist, sexist, and a bunch of other *ist remarks. When censured by his party and Parliament, he claimed that he'd been drinking but would stop. This summer, however, he found it inconvenient to stay stopped while on holiday. As a result, he missed a couple of government meetings. Another MP urged Hakkarainen to find a way to sobriety. Juha Väätäisen said that Hakkarainen has clearly shown that he has a problem with alcohol and that complete sobriety is the only option.

Maybe it's related, maybe not. Hakkarainen was, well, we don't need to translate this headline and photo:

Hakkarainen claims that the relationship is platonic.

This post is one of a series about Teuvo Hakkarainen, the True Finns Party MP from Viitasaari. For the record, my grandfather was born in Viitasaari.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The nine jurors in the Samsung-Apple case...

The nine jurors in the Samsung-Apple case threw a box of rocks into the mobile market. Its billion-and-change judgment against Samsung for violating Apple's patents creates uncertainty about mobile platforms. Markets don't like uncertainty; and neither do security professionals.

The Mobility Hub - Karl Hakkarainen - After Apple's Victory, Microsoft May Gain Ground

Microsoft, which will offer security and stability during the ongoing patent wars, could come out the real winner in the ongoing turf fights between Apple and phonemakers in the Google camp.

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