Monday, January 30, 2012

Bad Usability, Bad Customer Attitude

Usability studies of banking kiosks and interactive displays revealed some tough news. Customers may believe that automated services are more for the bank's convenience than for the customer's.

You can read the rest in Digital Draw blog -  Bad Usability, Bad Customer Attitude

GOP Fumbles Social Media

Through inattention and tone-deafness, the GOP has failed to capitalize on a good start using social media for political campaigning, ignored an essential constituency in Florida, and missed chances to address local issues.

Read the read on The CMO Site - Karl Hakkarainen - GOP Fumbles Social Media

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hello world again!

Because I have several projects due and overdue, I thought it would be a great time to move RoasterBoy again. Because the blog is now on my own host, I have access to many more work-avoidance features and widgets.

Thanks to all who've stayed with me for all these years. I hope that I continue to be worthy of your time and attention.

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