Saturday, June 23, 2012

Google+ Local physician reviews: A barrier for patients

For restaurants, hotels, retail outlets, this is welcome news. Google+ Local provides a high-interaction, personalized social experience … what’s not to love?

For healthcare, it’s not so welcome.

Google+ Local physician reviews: A barrier for patients

In an attempt to tackle the challenge of increasing the “authenticity” of reviews, Google revoked the ability to post reviews anonymously.

Friday, June 22, 2012

For those, including yours truly, who'd...

For those, including yours truly, who'd thought that Xerox was moribund, here's some surprising news about its strength in India.

Hiring: Xerox goes aggressive in India - The Times of India

Xerox plans to kick-start growth and regain lost ground in India with the help of frenetic hiring.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bizarre is the word waiting for its whole...

Bizarre is the word waiting for its whole lifetime so that it'd be ready for this story.

EFF Will Represent The Oatmeal Creator in Fight Against Bizarre Lawsuit Targeting Critical Online Speech | Electronic Frontier Foundation

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is joining with attorney Venkat Balasubramani of the law firm Focal PLLC to represent The Oatmeal creator Matthew Inman in a bizarre lawsuit targeting the onli...

Semper ubi sub ubi, summa

Semper ubi sub ubi, summa

Men’s far infrared magnetic underwear

Men's far infrared magnetic underwear would make a perfect gift for men who have everything except men's far infrared magnetic underwear. One source is, whose web site offers the f...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Notes on standing still

Our neighbor across the lake has a better view of our cove and reports that she's seen two herons, perching, in flight, paroling. From this vantage, we've only seen one at a time. When standing, they're improbable beings, a bunch of sticks and feathers. In flight, though, from take-off through glide, they're gorgeous. Last evening, we startled one as we came along quietly in our kayaks. It grabbed the strong southerly breeze and took off.

We're due for some hot weather. The season's first heat, like the other season's first snow, brings a bit of alarm among media types. Even when you know that it's going to be just hot and nothing more than that, it's difficult to displace the thoughts of alarm. Will the bridges melt? Will small children and old people spontaneously combust?

Astrological summer begins today for those of us on the top half of the globe. (Meteorological summer began at the first of the month.) The longest day of the year, however, will take place on June 30, when we get a leap second.

On the solstice, of course, the sun doesn't really stand still. We're the ones who need it to stop, if only for a moment, so we can consider where we've been and where we will soon be.

Making the Baby Jesus cry - 2012

Once again, Sports Illustrated wins the prize for the earliest Christmas promotion. This arrived in the mail yesterday.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I work hard, but what I do isn't hard work...

I work hard, but what I do isn't hard work. (via +Boing Boing)

Workers’ Hands

Having grown up in a river town that sported it's fair share of factories and also served a large number of family farms I can recall rough, calloused hands on the adults. The city wives fared better ...

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