Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ready for the world

The other day, Lynn called to ask if I would be able to babysit Cassie for a couple of hours. I said, "Yes," eagerly.

Cassie's 21/2. We had the Alladin video on, but it was a bit too intense to hold her attention. (The genie is the part that Robin Williams was born to play, so you'd better be ready. The would-be wiseguy parrot is, likewise, a perfect match for Gilbert Gottfried.) Soon, however, it was time to visit with Barbie.

There were lots of dolls in Cassie's room, along with the many accessories that bring a doll to life - houses, backpacks, blankets, and so on. Even the headless Barbie took her place among the pantheon of playthings. Listening to the creaks and cracks of my joints, I sat down on the floor with Cassie and played at playing with dolls.

A friend of mine refers to the young children in her family as "The Endorphins," a great, natural source of pain relief and joy. Me, too. I had a good time and hope that she did, too. Sometimes, grandparents think that they're being helpful when, in fact, they're scaring the kids.

Oh, about the picture. All of the kids have had fun playing with the stuff in my shirt pocket. Usually, they go for the red pen. This day, Cassie grabbed my pen and notebook, as if to say, "Look out, world. I'm watching you."

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