Saturday, December 29, 2012

You got your Internet in my cheese.

You got your Internet in my cheese.
Thank you, I think.

The Internet of Things, Soon Accessible by Smartphone - Technology Review

A forthcoming packaging chip could let your phone talk to the plastic wrap on your cheese.

Friday, December 28, 2012

There will always be an England

These are the famous Flaming Tar Barrels of Otterly St. Mary. 

In brief, the townsfolk put tar in barrels, set the tar on fire, and carry the barrels around the town. Only local are permitted to carry the barrels, but the competition is open to men, women, and children.

They are worried that they're not able to raise enough money to keep the festival going.
Mark Steele describes the town and its carnival of flaming tar barrels in this BBC Radio 4 Extra show.

Blog tinkering

It's windy and cold outside, so it's a good day for tending to long overdue housekeeping chores on this blog. I've turned off email updates to help avert a flood of new posts and bizarre errors that we've seen in previous    tinkering sessions.
For some email subscribers, blog posts may be arriving through a new service, FeedBlitz. You'll have the usual options to adjust how frequently you receive the mailings and to unsubscribe if you so desire.
For those of you who care about such things, I've resumed with Blogger. I'll discuss the reasons for the change in a future post.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Feeding birds by way of ice

A few weeks ago,we had small amount of snow and ice. We also did not have any sand or ice melt. Son Mike and his crew were making repairs on our house. Mike used bird seed to give some traction. It worked pretty well.
Last Monday, we had more ice, so I tossed more bird seed on the ramp and driveway. The ensuing warmth and rain washed away the ice, leaving the seeds. Birds large and small are taking care of the rest.

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