Thursday, August 24, 2006

Work, interrupted

Simply put, I've been too sick for too long. After conversations with Sandra, with one doctor, and with another, I went on disability leave on Tuesday. Depression, it is, although I didn't use the word often. I told my manager and the one co-worker who'd be most affected by my absence. I'm not sure how long it will take for me to be well enough to be able to return to work, but it's likely to be months rather than weeks.

Sandra and the rest of my family have been wonderfully supportive. My manager and the co-worker were very encouraging. I'm also sure that people are more than a bit afraid, in part of the work that I won't be able to do and in part because the d-word is scary.

The company's policies regarding the treatment of depression and related illness are quite good, but it's still a big company.
  • The envelope that brought me the paperwork had a statement on the back that said "Extremely Urgent." The words UPS Express, however, were redacted and replaced with UPS Ground. Urgent, but don't hurry.
  • When I called the agency that provides services for behavioral health matters, I had to provide my doctor's name to determine if he is included in the insurance plan. (He is.) To confirm the doctor's address, the very nice person on the other end of the phone said, "Wuh, Wuh, Worchester."
So, here we go on another adventure of healing.

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