Saturday, June 29, 2013

Doc rejoins Celtics, sort of

With Rondo on his way to Dallas, Pierce and KG heading to Brooklyn, and Doc moving west, Celtics fans may despair that the once-great team is being shattered.
Rest assured. We've been to this movie before.
In 1978, the original Celtics franchise was sent to Buffalo in a baffling deal that brought the then-Braves to Boston. (There was as baseball team called the Boston Braves that played at what is now Nickerson Field at BU. That franchise is now in Atlanta.) Included in that shuffle was one talented and troubled player, Marvin Barnes, whose story is featured in the "What the Hell Happened To" blog.
That same year, GM Red Auerbach had brilliantly drafted Larry Bird as a junior, even though Bird would return to Indiana for his senior year. The great teams of the 1980s had their basis in the train wreck that was the Celtics ownership of the 70s.
Astute readers will note that current GM Danny Ainge was a good basketball and baseball player and a pretty good basketball executive. Red Auerbach, however, Ainge ain't.
Meanwhile, the Buffalo team moved to California, first to San Diego and then Los Angeles. So Doc River is now coach of what had been the Celtics.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ikea numbers

  • The probability of placing an upside-down board in an Ikea project: 1.
  • The probability of two or more people, each assembling the same Ikea piece of furniture, making the same mistake: 1.
  • The step you will have to redo: 3.
  • The number of times that one's grandfather, a cabinet maker, rolls in his grave: .
  • The number of better ways to spend a \vacation day with your wife: 0.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mr. Hakkarainen goes to Helsinki

In Massachusetts, we've just completed a special election, characterized by tepid candidates and low voter turnout. Politics used to be something special around here, but we've become as dull as Wonder Bread.
Meanwhile, across the pond and to the north, Tuevo Hakkarainen has released a karaoke recording that will be featured at the Gold Cucumber competition in October. (You have to slog through a few translation services to figure out what's going on. Even then, if the resulting phrases are Gold Cucumber, karaoke, and evil foreboding name, you know that you're onto something.
In the case that you have doubts, here's the man himself, singing at an outdoor festival.

And if that wasn't enough, Hakkarainen missed the opening session of Parliament because of gastroenteritis. News reports referred to him as " the Lost Teuvo Hakkarainen."

This post is one of a series about Teuvo Hakkarainen, the True Finns Party MP from Viitasaari. For the record, my grandfather was born in Viitasaari.

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