Saturday, January 19, 2008

More pork, please.

Prince Edward Island meat production businesses are in trouble. The hog processing plant has slipped into receivership and the large grocery stores are bringing pork products from other parts of Canada. The locals are pleading with Island consumers to buy local or their neighbors will go out of business.

PG-13 e-Cards

If you're looking for something edgier and, well, rude, here's just what you need.

Skillz I haz them

Most people over 30 will think of video games as, well, games, stuff that younger (mostly male) people do until they get around to growing up. The real world, however, is realizing that the skills learned while playing video games aren't completely useless. For example, we learn that surgeons hone skills on Nintendo Wii
. In addition, the military has found that "video games made better soldiers and sailors faster, safer and cheaper." In addition, businesses are finding that, along with learning manual skills, video games can teach leadership.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Weapons of the winter war

On Monday evening, we were watching a news story about how much better the state and local public works departments handled Monday's (modest) snowstorm. I remarked that, for narrow streets, instead of plows, they ought to use flame throwers. I didn't realize that I was 35 years behind the times. (The ad is from 1972.)

Update: This article, in the 1/20/08 Boston Globe, describes how New York and Toronto use, and Boston does not use, snow-melting equipment to clear the streets.

How tired are you?

Take the tiredness quiz.

Where infinitives are always split

via Miss Celenia on English

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Quadro the Snowman

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Huck stories - skis

When my father was a kid, he asked his father for money (maybe ten
bucks) for a pair of skis. "We're not paying for skis," the old gent
said. Instead, they went out into the woods, found a good, straight
birch trees, cut it down, and dragged it home. There, they cut,
carved, paned, and polished the wood into a set of skis. If I remember
the story correctly, Huck broke theis on the first or second time out.

RIP, Huck, one year ago today

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Drink from the well and yield your place to another. - Jose Ortega y Gasset

This Week's RoasterBoy Playlist

Monday, January 14, 2008

Should be standard issue for all cars registered in Massachusetts

From bookofjoe: Best bumper sticker of the year:

Upgrade time

If this hasn't happened to you, you haven't been trying.

How Massachusetts are you?

Even though they get the pronunciation of Worcester wrong, it's a fun quiz:

Dude! You're 100% from Massachusetts!

Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I'll pick you up at the Coop at 6.

How Massachusetts are you?

The hand of God reaches out to us.

I've had a copy of this George Booth cartoon for a long time, 30 years maybe.

Booth's cartoons appear regularly in The New Yorker.

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