Saturday, December 22, 2007

Business language that I missed

MSNBC is reporting the Best business buzzwords of 2007. I guess I have to believe them when they report that people are talking like that in the offices and in emails. I still read the Wall Street Journal, several business blogs, and Dilbert, but managed to miss these slushballs.

Every business has its jargon and the computer industry is probably the worst of 'em all. Nevertheless, the principle of creepy language seems to have taken hold in business in general. You don't call someone to invite them to join a project; you "reach out to them," as though you are scooping drunks and bringing them to the local mission. You don't take responsibility; you "step up," as though you're Casey at the bat. These words and phrases inject the appearance of value and strength, not unlike the way that broth is injected into a turkey to make it less dry and lifeless.

The AP asked the presidential candidates what they would most like to have if they were stranded on a desert island. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-BrickWall-Colorado) responded, "Boat."

Wake up and smell the coffee « Biosingularity

We don't often get good news from medical studies, so celebrate on this one. Not only are one or two cups per day are ok, but each additional cup reduces the risk of death by 4%. Does that mean we can achieve immortality with 25 cups per day?

Did I mention that this study was done in Finland? You might want to be a bit suspicious of the data.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Anglican war on Christmas

The Archbishop of Canterbury says there were no kings, asses, or oxen at the manger, that it didn't snow, and that it didn't happen in December. What next?Jesus wasn't in the manger?

Wood association games

A few months after IBM acquired Rational, in October of 2003, I attended IBM's Basic Blue manager program in Armonk, New York. It was an intense week of training in not only policies and procedures, but also in guidelines for best practices for managers. Prior to the program, the people who worked for me filled out questionnaires about my management style. I don't recall the details of the survey results. Let's just say there was plenty of opportunity for improvement. I'd done good work as an individual contributor and several people on the team valued my leadership, but, well, wouldn't mind a do-over or two.

A couple of months later, I learned that the group I was managing was being disbanded and I needed to find another job. After looking hard and wide, I wasn't able to find anything inside the company. I was laid off in the spring.

The management program had finished up mid-day on Friday so I arrived home in the late afternoon. We'd just had firewood delivered in the back yard, so I spent the hour or so before sunset stacking wood and thinking about what had gone on.

Since then, whenever I stack firewood at home or bring wood in from the back yard, I remember that afternoon in October when my career and I were parting company.

Send boxes of snow

In the 50s, we used to send boxes of clothing and food (always including cans of coffee) to our relatives in Finland. Europe struggled after WWII and consumer goods were often difficult to find at any price.

Now they need our help again. Southern Finland has barely enough snow to cover the ground. We in New England have enough snow to cover many grounds and could easily spare enough to bring a Hyvää Joulua to Helsinki.

By the way, this kind of stuff - heavy snow in North America, a cold winter in the southern hemisphere - puts torches and pitchforks in the hands of the global-warming deniers. We'll leave that discussion for another day.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Latest salvo in war on Christmas launched by the Vatican. Wait, what?

The Vatican is moving the Baby Jesus out of the manger and into Joseph's carpenter shop to get away from "fanciful Nativity scenes." - Vatican Gives Nativity Scene a 'New Look'

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snow. We Has It. Weekend Edition.

We picked up another seven to eight inches of snow before the changeover to sleet. We'll probably have a layer of freezing rain before it's done.

We'll wait inside where it's warm until the freezing rain has stopped.

Mike's company Christmas party is scheduled for late this afternoon. Not only does he have to worry about people attending the party, but he also has customers who will be waiting to have their driveways plowed. Krista was born on the night of a big snowstorm. His customers called him and said, "Congratulations. And, oh, when will you get to my driveway?"

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