Saturday, October 08, 2011

When blog becomes onomatopoeic

It appears that the FeedBlitz, the service that delivers email to readers of this journal, has sent some messages that include links to nowhere. (You click on the link and an empty window opens up.) This appears to be a transitory problem that FeedBlitz claims is fixed. I'll continue to monitor it. If you see any further odd mailings, please let me know directly.
Thanks for reading.

When blog becomes onomatopoeic

It appears that the FeedBlitz, the service that delivers email to readers of this journal, has sent some messages that include links to nowhere. (You click on the link and an empty window opens up.) This appears to be a transitory problem that FeedBlitz claims is fixed. I'll continue to monitor it. If you see any further odd mailings, please let me know directly.
Thanks for reading.

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