Thursday, March 29, 2012

More on recycling

Last year, the  Freakonomics guys were on Marketplace to talk about a phenomenon called conspicuous conservation. Basically, it means keeping up with the Jones by showing off the great ways that you are kind to the environment, leave no footprints, and all that. Good on you if you do that.

Sometimes, they're called Super Greenies. They're wealthy, drive Prii, and use rechargeable batteries in their whatevers.

Fine. Good. But there's a limit for all of us. Amazon showed me that limit.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bump Installation Crew gets a new tool

With a hat tip to Jeff Barnard's Bump Installation Crew series, we have this new feature:
B-I-C Spray-On Division ODOTThe Ohio Department of Transportation has completed a year-long trial of the DuraPatcher. A Mississippi company has created the device that lets a trained worker clean the pothole and install the bump. “The advantage of this is we get a clean, dry hole," said a  a Ohio highway management administrator. The unit can operate year-round.

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