Thursday, December 11, 2008

FedEx bailout program promoted by WorldNetDaily

Our good friends at WingNutsDaily are continuing the fight against the selection of Barack Obama as our next president. Having failed to convince the Supreme Court to review Obama's citizenship paperwork, WND has launched a new campaign to influence the Electoral College to ensure that our next president is a natural-born citizen by insisting that President-elect Obama produce a valid birth certificate.
The letters will be sent FedEx to all 538 members of the Electoral College. The program first targeted only 470 for whom addresses initially were available. But the remaining addresses have been traced, and the letters will be delivered Friday morning, giving each elector the weekend to consider the constitutional issues raised by Obama's presidency.
This is after an unsuccessful effort that sent more than 60,000 letters by overnight delivery to the U.S. Supreme Court when a case contesting Obama's eligibility for the Oval Office was pending.
The FedEx packages can be sent for $10.95, a nice little boost to the FedEx that I'm sure the company appreciates. Recent news reports, such as this CNN Money article, FedEx's Gloomy Outlook Underscores Pain For Parcel Shippers, show that FedEx and other carriers are struggling during this economic downturn. 

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