Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another bit of slipping away

A blurb at the top of the Boston Globe's TV Week, their small magazine of weekly TV listings, announces that, starting on October 26, the mini-magazine will no longer be distributed with the Globe. We're told that we can see the listings in the daily Globe or we can get a special deal on TV Guide.
Three or so years ago, we gave my father a subscription to TV Guide. Mid-way through the subscription, they changed their format, now focusing on features and a chaotic listing. My father kept complaining that he couldn't find out what was on TV. We let the subscription run out, replacing it with a subscription to the Gardner News.
Facing a steady decline in readership, newspapers are eliminating parts of their offerings in an effort to reduce costs. As they do so, they make the newspapers less compelling. Losing the TV magazine won't make me stop reading the Sunday Globe, nor will it cause me to resume our daily subscription. It's just one less reason to get excited about when I hear the 'thump' of the newspaper landing on our doorstep at four in the morning.

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