Wednesday, December 24, 2008

And, to all, a good night

We're still finding our way around the house with this new-fangled thing called electricity in the walls and ceiling.
Tonight, we'll go to Mike and Lynn's to celebrate the Eve. Tomorrow, we go over the river and through the woods (literally) to Adam and Jennie's.
We took Cassie for the day, visiting a mall and buying a few things, then lunch, and then  The Tale of Despereaux. (Hint: it's a pretty good flick, but the plot is a bit tricky for the young and those not paying close attention. The animation is delightful.) It takes a special kind of, well, bravery, I guess you'd call it, to go to a Disney store with a four-year-old on Christmas Eve. It's a bit like pouring a dozen Pixie Stix into the kid. She just about hit her resonance frequency when we found a Jasmine doll that she absolutely loved. She dozed off in the car on the ride home, a sweet smile on her face.
And, my friends, it doesn't get any better than that.
Merry Christmas.

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