Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A fine October day this middle of May

The wind is strong from the north and east and you can feel the chill from the ocean, even though we're lots of miles away. The sun wants to warm us, but the wind takes the warmth away. We didn't get the snow that was forecast for last night. The big storm swung to the south of us and out to sea.

We're in full bloom now around town. The lilacs are out, purple and white, although their scent is not yet awake. The lawns need mowing once a week.

Yesterday, we had our town election. There were just a few contested races and one question regarding a Prop 2 1/2 override. The override was to cover the cleanup of an oil spill at one of the former schools. It didn't pass and I'm not sure what that means. Probably, we'll have to pay for it out of general expenses.

Meanwhile, last week's Holden police log reported:
  • Parent says 9-year old misbehaving, wants police to come
  • Paxton PD requests contact with resident accused of throwing things from his motor vehicle in that town; mother contacted

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