Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Vappu - May Eve and May Day

Helsingin Sanomat - International Edition - Notes To Readers: "May Eve and May Day - known collectively in Finnish as Vappu - constitute one of Finland’s most boisterous and profusely liquid festivals and public holidays"

May Day has been a celebration of workers and workers rights (including the right to partay) throughout the world. May 1st has also been celebrated as International Workers' Day. The United States has its own workers' holiday, Labor Day, which is set far from May Day to keep American workers far from those Socialist and Communist heathens.

On a gentler note, my grandmother would give me a May basket which was a lot like an Easter basket - full of candy and colorful stuff. She wasn't particularly religious or political; she just liked giving treats to her only nearby grandchild.

Update: More about Vappu from Metafilter: Vappu - The more you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this "Profusely liquid festivals" what a great way to describe a festival!

Yay for giving kids lots of sugar to kick of the spring, no matter whether your holiday is Christian, Pagan or social!!!! Any excuse for lots of candy is good. Hence my personal preference for Halloween, which seems to have become all three.

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