Monday, January 21, 2008

Of gasoline and grass clippings

The closing date for the sale of my father's house is approaching, so it's time to make sure that we have taken all of our stuff. It's easy to stop seeing things when you've looked at them for so long. Today, I brought home our lawnmower. It had been in the garage. It would have been a lot easier if I'd brought it home in November, before the snow, but, well, you know, .... My car smells of gasoline and grass clippings, a summertime smell, even though the temperature didn't make it out of the teens today. And then, once I got the mower home, I had to carry it through the snow to the shed in the back yard. (Our snowblower has been out of commission for a while, so we don't have a path cleared from the driveway to the shed.) The smell of gasoline and grass clippings is now on my clothes. It's not an unpleasant smell, just out of sync with the season.

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