Monday, January 07, 2008

It's not often when Google is overcome by reality.

Yesterday, Sandra, Joe, and I went in to Boston to see Blue Man Group, a belated 13th birthday gift for Joe. Sandra and I have seen the show four or five times and it's still great, still capable of surprising us, making us laugh with their plain, blue faces. And that strange sound that I heard, well, that was the sound of my laughter, something I haven't heard much or often in a while.

It isn't often that Google lets you down twice. I searched for a place for lunch before the show and dessert afterwards. Google Maps reported that Fuddrucker's was at the end of the block and Anna Dessert Shop was a few blocks away. Neither place was in business. We had a good brunch at Rock Bottom Brewery, where Fuddrucker's was supposed to be and good desserts at a Chinese bakery on Harrison Avenue.

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