Thursday, February 02, 2006

It's that day again.

Thus sayeth CNN:

Phil's forecast

Meanwhile, the National Weather Service tells us what we've known all along, that it was a warm January around here. Of course, Hawaii gets a foot of snow.

A benefit of the warm winter here on the east coast is that, when it's seal-clubbing time, the batsmen can drive to work.

There's this war on terrorism. The President talks a lot about it. We even created a new Department of Homeland Security. It's good to see that they're taking their job seriously.

If the Internet has taught us nothing else, it has taught that correction anyone's use of grammar or punctuation invites others to correct yours with great vigor.

For those in a small apartment: safety features include not being able to turn on the stove while the kitchenette is in the stove position.

Finally, telegrams are no more. Stop.

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