Sunday, January 22, 2006

No shirt. No shoes. It must be January.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you opened the paper one morning and found that the obituary page was empty?

The temperature dropped below freezing last night and snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. But, we've had harsher Octobers than this.

When it came time to remove the CD racks to prepare for painting the family room wall, it also came time for the CDs to go into the attic. I'm not ready to part with them yet, but I also haven't played a CD for close to two years.

Thoreau writes about the Mucclasse Indians who would burn their old possesions as a way of cleansing and simplifying their lives.

Keeping with the theme of one song/many versions, I've collected about a dozen versions of Pipeline by The Ventures. Don, sometimes solo, sometimes with his brother, Vinnie, used to do a pretty good version of the song. We hang out in their cellar, listening to the cheesy little amp, reading Mad magazine, next to the full-size pool table. Don could also do great recreations of Spike Jones tunes, such as the ever-charming Cocktails for Two.

Did you leave your Weinerwhistle™ in your other jacket? Fear not, for the Interactive Web Weinerwhistle is here.

It's a test of endurance, I know, but think of the children.

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