Sunday, January 08, 2006

How do you throw away a trash can?

The Patriots have had a season of winning ugly, playing just well enough not to lose. Unlike diving or skating, you don't get points in football for style; you get points for points, however you get them.

This past week, Robin Williams appeared at the Consumer Electronics Show with Larry Page from Google. A few times, I've seen Williams and Jonathan Winters on the same TV show. For a brief moment, the earth spins in the opposite direction.

We have a light snow falling, just enough to cover the icy patches on the driveway. We'll get some pseudo-salt out there before Woody and Marian go off to church.

We have a new trash barrel for our kitchen, meaning that we also now have a old trash barrel. We already have barrels for bird seed, stove ashes, kindling, and baseball bats. Besides, the old one is pretty far gone. We'll put it out with the other recyclables and hope that they take it away. Otherwise, we'll have to put inside a very big trash bag and have it taken away with the regular haul. See, this why life in the suburbs is so thrilling. No worries of war or plague or natural disasters. Just let me throw away stuff that I have too much of.

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