Sunday, September 11, 2005


It's not good that vacation's over, but it's good to be home. Well, the part where Marley got sprayed by a skunk last night wasn't so good. We got through it pretty well. A combination of tomato juice, and then soap and water, and then a concoction that we got from the vet's the last time he was sprayed (the time that he had the skunk in his mouth) gave us a dog that smells pretty much like a dog. My co-workers may notice a slight fragrance that isn't Old Spice, but that shouldn't last more than a few days. Marley was very tentative when he went out this morning and was glad to get back inside to lie in front of the stove.

We finished our time at the camp in fine style. Adam, Jennie, and Lily came for a visit. We toured the lake in the boat. Adam showed his chops as a water-skier and demonstrated his prowess at pie-baking (blueberry).

At home, we shuffled through the big box of mail that the post office had held for us, a couple of letters, many bills, a few magazines, a lot of catalogs. The world missed us.

So now there are tinges of orange in the maples and it's dark earlier each day. With the bright blue sky this morning, it's uneasily like that bright and cool morning four years ago when so much changed.

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