Wednesday, July 27, 2005

On a special day

The temperature just stepped over the 90° mark. The wicker rocking chairs on the front porch are, um, rocking in the strong breeze. Heavy thunderstorms are predicted for this afternoon and evening, but the radar shows nothing right now. It's quiet here, just the low hum of the room air conditioner.

I'm working from home today. I have a number of tasks that can be done at home just as well as in the office. With vacations during this month, several of the regularly scheduled meetings have been called off. I finished one bit of tidying up and am now taking a break for lunch.

Yesterday I learned of a permanent job at the company where I'm working. The job is with a group in White Plains, but they seem to be amenable to having someone working from afar. I've started my resume through the channels. In the meantime, I guess I should keep working as though I have a permanent job. A co-worker asked me if I'd be interested if I'd like to participate in a project that will take place in October. I said that I would if my contract is extended. She said that my contract would probably last long enough for me to retire.

How grateful I am that I don't travel this world of work, of home, of family, or of life, alone. Happy Birthday, Sandra.


Anonymous said...

Found the new website. Clicked on the "old" URL that I had bookmarked and received a page saying - well, you know. Went to and then hit the link for Roaster Boy and here we are.

Belated Happy Birthday to Sandra. Sonoma sounds wonderful!

Job at Joslin did not pan out ... came in a VERY close second which is like kissing your sister. So - yes, I still have a job and while my "head is out the door, my ass is sill there." Will continue to press on and found out what is planned for your truly.

A nice comfortable grey, and in the cool 60's, morning in beautiful downtown West Acton.


Anonymous said...

I should proof read better. Imagine posting this to a friend's site who is in the writing business. If one wishes they may subsititue "still" for "sill" and "find" for "found." Apparently more coffee is needed.


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