Wednesday, September 01, 2004

It's time for a mid-morning coffee break. I decided to work at home today. It gives me a chance to tend to a few things around the house. For example, I finally had the time to update this computer to the latest Windows service pack. It's not very exciting, but there are times when we need to take of the ordinary things, making the extraordinary possible.

I reviewed a package of information from the senior center in the town where my father lives. There are many good services and activities, but nothing that he needs right now. Sandra and I will continue to stop in regularly and help with his household chores and shopping.

As we've been paying more attention to our parents' health and well-being, it's helped us appreciate what other people are dealing with as well. We hear about others' surgery, chemotheraphy, and chronic pain and have a greater appreciation for how it affects the whole family. It's an adventure, worrisome at times, fun at others.

Another big hurricane, Frances, is heading for Florida and the southeast US. The current predictions don't call for a serious threat to New England, but we may get some heavy rain early next week. Between now and then, we will have a fine stretch of late summer weather. I've left the back door open so that Marley can go out to the sunny back deck whenever he wants to.

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